Saturday, June 15, 2013


Emperor of China to Shang: "You cannot meet a girl like that in a dynasty."
Obviously, I write my own introductions. 

In the Philippines during my high school years, not so long ago, boys were very concerned about girls getting old and maid; yes, i meant, "oldmaids". 
In my native tongue, it is translated as "laon". 
Growing up, till now actually, I think Philippines, boys, are so naive and close-mindedly thinks of girls as someone they can still put inside a box and popped out babies.

When I came to Japan seven years ago, I was so surprised to know that they also call single ladies in mid-20s as "obasan" or grannies already, my golly! 
My guy workmates told me so, in sheepish eyes and silent screams when I turned my back. 
These Japs! Or should I say, these men!

And, these women - I mean family, friends, relatives, even acquaintances! 
Others say it comes natural when you really are still single at mid-20s, much more when in late 20s and they add, "your biological clock is ticking, tick, tock, tick, tock."
I am a homebody, home-maker and greatly dreams of becoming a wife and mother.
But I think it happens in God`s perfect time, not necessarily before 30, when you are out and about the calendar. 

Believe me or not, as my sensitivity radar about this marriage pressures was up and running too early on, I look forward to spending thirty in celebration. 
If I was destined to get married earlier than thirty, I wont have any feelings towards 30-ish otherwise.

I will be thirty, finally, in three months! 
It is "accidentally on purpose" that I broke up with a four-year relationship over a week ago, and celebrating this "golden age" single-handedly. 
But I am generally happy. 

I used to blog, for many years, but somewhere along the way I lost heart. 
This is a new blog. 
Maybe not a new me.
Maybe same old, same old.
No pressures, definitely.
No expectations.
Not anymore dramatic as much as possible.
Me at 30.

Take. Eat. Easy. [TEE] 

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